Polarization in Business
would Coke be without Pepsi, a lone cola company with a single, weak product
and a mediocre advertising campaign? Without competition, new markets would not
be created, products would not be invented or innovated, and advertising would
be a joke. The concept of competition itself has created massive associations
such as the NFL and NBA that bring in and dish out more money than most people
can comprehend. With so much of our society depending on the businesses that
competition built, it is safe to say that it is a necessity. Therefore,
polarization must be necessary as well, but not just any basic polarization.
Businesses need extremism.
it is a bold statement, it has proven true in the past and will continue to be
true in the future. The easiest way to see extremism in business is in
advertising. In 2012 a major company would spend $3 million for a 30 second
commercial during the Super Bowl just so the minuscule amount of
people watching that have never heard of them would consider buying their
product. It is extremism at its finest, yet it happens year after year, and
the most interesting study of the issue was published last year by a team of
researchers from the University of Wisconsin’s Eau Claire campus. In a paper
titled “Super Bowl Ads Linked to Firm Value Enhancement,” the authors
bypassed traditional measures of marketing efficacy in favor of directly
measuring stock market outcomes. Companies that buy Super Bowl ads, they
report, end up outperforming the S&P 500 during the subsequent week. (http://www.slate.com/articles/business/moneybox/2012/02/i_paid_4_million_for_this_.html)
A business
can't afford to sit back and tell people that their product is not the greatest
thing since sliced bread. No, they get out there and sell to as many people as
possible, and the best way to do that today is to be extreme. People love
extreme. They want to be told that if they buy a product it's going to be the
greatest decision of their life, and that all the other choices aren't worth
their money. Imagine these companies stayed quiet and moderate, decided to cut
down on the ads, maybe make a compromise with their opponents saying that they
are just as good, and start being realistic about the value of their products,
then what?
concepts are easy to see in politics as well. Two companies (candidates) are
selling a product using an array of advertisements in order to persuade the
public that they are selling the best product for the consumer (voter). I
believe that if it were not for some level of extremism, the candidate would
not successfully persuade the voter that their product is supreme.
the end, whether extremism and polarization are viewed as positive or negative,
I have no doubt that they are necessary in the world of business and politics.
In order for a company to build itself it needs competition, it needs to show
that their business is “good” and their competition is “bad”, and it must be
bold in its attempts to expose its products to the world if it wants to
generate a profit and contribute to our country's economy.
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